
   日期:2016-08-25     来源:建材之家    作者:灯饰之家    浏览:30    评论:0    
核心提示:LED has the features of long time. According to different power drivers and use conditions, the life of LED can be up to 50,000 hours pr more. LED will not extinguish directly like other light source
灯饰之家讯:LED has the features of long time. According to different power drivers and use conditions, the life of LED can be up to 50,000 hours pr more. LED will not extinguish directly like other light source but decay gradually. Therefore, luminous decay will lead to output low light after long time use, which will make products not meet requirements. And how to use TM-21 to estimate LED luminaries life?

In order that LED industry persons have a clear concept of TM-21 and learn how to use TM-21 to estimate LED products. We will make 4 programs to explain the application and prediction method of LM-80-08 and TM-21-11:

Step 1: LED components manufacturers do at least 6,000 hours test at 3 temperatures (55C°/85 C°/Optional Temperature) for LED Source (Package/Array/Module) according to LM-80-08.


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标签: 灯具
2016年8月21日,为期三天的第四届成都国际电子生产设备及技术展览会在成都世纪城新国际会展中心隆重开幕。作为烟雾净化器行业领军品牌——酷维净化科技如约而至,其携带焊锡烟雾净化器、激光烟雾净化器、焊接烟雾净化器、3D打印机专用净化器等产品惊艳亮相在D07展位。作为目前中西部电子制造市场规模较大、影... 央视上榜,见证品牌实力,8月明顶捷报频传,又传来签约喜讯。明顶集成吊顶成功入驻毕节金沙县和江苏淮安两地,较近明顶加盟势头猛烈,根本停不下来。【签约合影】明智选择,成就财富人生!对于品牌的选择都是郑重的,为什么两地的经销商会加入明顶呢?【签约合影】明顶拥有强大的品牌推广实力,在多个媒体渠道的进行推广...

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